“AEGIS” — Our Native Gaming Token
The name $AEGIS The aegis (/ˈiːdʒɪs/ EE-jis;[1] Ancient Greek: αἰγίς aigís), as stated in the Iliad, is a device carried by Athena and Zeus, variously interpreted as an animal skin or a shield and sometimes featuring the head of a Gorgon. There may be a connection with a deity named Aex or Aix, a daughter of Helios and a nurse of Zeus or alternatively a mistress of Zeus (Hyginus, Astronomica 2. 13).3
The modern concept of doing something "under someone's aegis" means doing something under the protection of a powerful, knowledgeable, or benevolent source.
Before we explain how AEGIS works, it's important to understand a few key elements that make-up the board. We have Points, Score and Tiers. Points are earned by playing Stonk Games and these points are cumulative and have a lifetime value, as they belong to the players once they earn them. These points are called ROCI points.ROCINANTE, the famous Don Quixote's horse. It is also Corvette-class light Frigate with multiple roles from the TV show, Expanse. ROCI is also a well-known acronym -- Return on Capital Invested.
ROCI Points aka Game points can be earned by anyone playing Stonk Fantasy Games. Number of points players accumulate can grade them across five different tiers. Once a player accumulates 25k ROCI points, they become eligible to receive a Composite Score. This Score is based on the players' / traders' Stonk gaming performance, their accuracy as compared to the market, as well as other metrics such as their social media calls. This composite score ranges from 400-1000 and a minimum score of 400 is required to be eligible and considered for the Stonk Index Leaderboard. An important distinction to note between the Stonk Gaming Leaderboard and Stonk Index Leaderboard is that anyone can be on the Stonk Gaming Leaderboard, whereas only traders that have a composite score of 400 or more are eligible to be on the Stonk Index Leaderboard. To have a composite score of 400, the trader must have earned a minimum of 25k ROCI points.
The Stonk Gaming Leaderboard is broken into 5 tiers. Each tier represents a corresponding ‘composite score’ and for anyone to become eligible for a composite score, traders must earn points. The ranges for each tier are : 5k-25k, 25-50k, 50-75k, 75-90k, 90-100k. Anyone with a score below 25k is not eligible to be considered for the Top-300 traders on the Global Leaderboard. A minimum of 5k is required to gain access to pro-tiered-games with other professional traders. As soon as a trader crosses 25k points in the gaming leaderboard, and once they have a minimum Composite Score of 400, they become eligible to be featured on the Stonk Index Leaderboard. If the trader falls below the 400 and still maintains 25k or more points, they will be reconsidered again during the monthly Index Leaderboard reformation period. The Stonk index leaderboard is limited to a total of 300 traders, at any given time.
If someone accumulated 25k ROCI points over a 180-day period, they could be awarded up to 25K AEGIS, for example and if they accumulated 100k points, they would be awarded a total of 100K AEGIS, so-and-so forth. The leaderboard is dynamically updated based on trader calls recorded via the Stonk Games played by the traders and their average performance across all games.
There will be a reformation period every 30 days, where-in, the leaderboard may change based on updated scores.
Assuming a total of 300 traders, this will likely cross 100k points, the total number of tokens awarded would be 300x100,000 = 30 million. Similarly, each participant earns 25 AEGIS's per entry they place. Assuming a total of 109,552 games player per year and approx. 18 entries per game, the total number of AEGIS's issues for the first 12 months is estimated to be approx. 100 million or 50% of the first year supply.
Once all tokens have been awarded through this process for the first two years, the tokens are the only way to play the game, in the sense that there should be sufficient volume of tokens in circulation to kick-in the eligibility for each player to have the necessary tokens to play. Now, if none of the players have sufficient points for a given month, those points roll-over until someone can cross the threshold to make the Top-300 list. At that point, Players can also purchase these tokens from one of the several USDC-AEGIS pools and then use that to participate in the games.
Depending on the game-mechanics, AEGIS Token could be leveraged, where-in, pro-users are allowed to play all games without an entry fee. If they win a game, they earn points. Once they cross 25,000 points, they unlock a block reward of 25,000 AEGIS Tokens -- ERC-20 standard tokens from a limited lifetime supply of 1.1 billion AEGIS’s. We will initially be minting 250 million AEGIS game reward tokens for the first 4 years and then minting an additional 350 million tokens after 12 months from the genesis block. After the monthly linear inflation supply and all 500 million tokens have been awarded and then the program automatically starts a deflationary cycle where-in we burn the profits from the index. The deflationary cycle is predicted to kick-start approximately 22 years from the genesis block. Assuming, 5% profit margin, which is expected to reduce based on community voting, the burn rate could be as high as 50 million AEGIS tokens a year, drastically reducing the supply by over 50% in 10 years from the start of the deflationary cycle.
The utility of the AEGIS tokens would be to:
Earn $Aegis by accurately predicting the market and beating their opponents across StonkLeague’s three (and counting) trading games.
Accumulate enough to bid and purchase Stonk generated Crypto Leagues (which will be minted as an NFT), and the only way to buy these NFT's would be by using AEGIS Tokens. The goal of these leagues for traders and finfluencers would be to spin-up games to their followers and unlock new block rewards (AEGIS Tokens) as a league, rather than as an individual.
Use $Aegis to raise grand armies and conquer NFT territories on StonkLeague’s board game-style campaign map.
Stake Aegis to Implement Laws through the DAO which govern the StonkLeague Platform.
Utilize these accumulated Tokens they win to be LPs of these League NFT's, and vote on what transpires within each NFT (much like a governance token), including deciding things such as game rules, game time, number of players, prizes, medals etc. and also (if possible) they could garner a portion of a particular leagues' Stonk Token rewards from the 10% commission paid as Game-Master Fee to Stonk. These token holders will have full rights on network governance and a share from fee earnings.
Utilize these accumulated Tokens to play games and climb the leaderboard. The top-300 traders become eligible to earn a %age carry from the Stonk Index.
Platform Governance.
Invest in Indexes with discounted carry fee.
The important think to note is that the traders cannot buy these tokens, but only earn Stonk Block Rewards called AEGIS by performing consistently over a period of time and accumulate enough accolades, metrics and points.
AEGIS's are also referred as Stonk Block Rewards or Stonk Tokens in this paper.
Although, in the future, anyone not already part of Stonk could purchase enough Stonk Tokens aka AEGIS's from exchanges and then make a bid to purchase "League NFT" from the marketplace directly or once the lock-in period of six months has been lifted, they could maybe buy the League NFT from a marketplace such as 'Opensea' or similar.
Note: As a company, we collect a fixed % at the end of each month as our Game-Master fee, in all of the above scenarios.
The main leaderboard will be modeled on the following function subject to a discount factor as follows:
F Number of Followers of the Trader / Influencer on Stonk
𝑑𝑉24 24 hour trading volume deltas for the market on the day of the game
Rt Real time net ROI based on ROI based game performance
𝑇 Time Frame
G Number of Games Played
G𝑝 Previous Number of Points
𝑑𝑠 𝑓 (F, 𝑑𝑉24, 𝑇, 𝑅, 𝑅t, G) Score delta
1 > 𝐾 > 0 Discount factor
The higher G𝑝 goes the greater the discount Factor 𝐾 applied to the score delta. Lost games are penalized more severely for higher G𝑝.
C𝑠 Stonk Composite Score
I Inactivity penalty
C𝑠 ⇒ 𝑖𝑓 𝑑𝑠 ≠ 0 𝑡ℎ𝑒𝑛 𝑚𝑖𝑛(G𝑝 + 𝐾 × 𝑑𝑠 , 1000) 𝑒𝑙𝑠𝑒 G𝑝 − I
Modified function with game stats and follower count within Stonk. This will eventually be compared with corresponding scores on other platforms such as COPE and that information is fed into the Stonk Analyzer to determine the Stonk composite score for each trader.2
Last updated