What are Leagues?
Leagues are professional tournaments organized by StonkLeague that will allow professional teams to play and participate in these seasonal events, much like professional sports leagues and eSports leagues.
Professional League Team NFT’s
Investing in the League NFT
The stonk professional league is composed of disparate competition groups and communities, or stonk ‘teams’, within the greater StonkLeague ecosystem. These professional teams compete in both inter- and intra-team fashion and offer a number of benefits to team owners and team members.
Team creation: The Global League is composed of 100 official team NFT’s to be distributed on a rolling basis. These NFT’s at inception represent a blank template for the future creation of an official stonkleague team.
Once purchased, the owner of the NFT becomes the team owner and manager. It is at this point, that the team owner will, through the StonkLeague portal, gain the ability to name, create branding for, and manage their newly founded team.
Intra-team competition: Once a team is founded, the team owner may host competitions and games to be held within the team organization. Members of the team compete against one another in a friendly, intramural fashion and jockey for position within the team’s local leaderboard. See Figure 7.
Owner benefit: a portion of the proceeds from all intra-team games will be awarded to the team owner for their efforts in growing the team roster and hosting regular games and events. It can be presumed that many team owners will be existing finfluencers on other social media platforms, and StonkLeagues team mechanism will grant these finfulencers a new way to engage with and monetize their pre-existing following.
Inter-team competition: on a seasonal basis, StonkLeague will host league competitions through which each created Team may form a competition team from the top performing members on their roster and compete against other teams within the stonkleague ecosystem. They will compete for global prizes, both token and accolade-based, which will be shared with the team owner, competition team and members according to the distribution model set by the league owner. See Figure 8.
Stonk Pro-Team Grants: Professional teams are also eligible to receive a portion of stonks monthly professional league token grant. This grant can be distributed to either the owner, team members, or team treasury in accordance with the settings determined by the team owner. The proportion of tokens received by any given team relative to another will be established based upon the team’s proportional representation in the total gameplay volume of the stonkleague ecosystem.
Owner Authority: It is important to note that while team owners yield a great degree of discretion as to the fund allocation and revenue model of their respective team(s), there will be game theory elements at play to offset and control selfish behavior. The success of any given team is largely predicated upon maintaining a large, strong and active member base. In this regard, there will be market competition between team owners to offer governance structures which encourage team members to stay and compete in intra-team competitions and entices top stonkleague players to join the teams inter-team, seasonal roster.
Team Sale: as teams grow in success, following and revenue, the intrinsic value of the team as both a community and brand asset will appreciate. At any point, the team owner may list the team ownership NFT on secondary markets selling rights of ownership including managerial authority and revenue share to a new league owner.
Recreational (aka Non-Professional) Teams
In addition to the finite number of professional teams above, an infinite number of recreational teams may be created by any stonkleague users. These recreational teams are intended to be used predominately amongst smaller friend groups and will be limited to strictly intra-team based competition. i.e. recreational teams will not have the ability to compete in the seasonal, professional StonkLeague competitions. During intra-team competitions, the rec team owner may set an amount of commission to be paid to the team owner for hosting games which can range from 0% to 2%, a substantial amount less than the 0% to 7% possible via the professional teams. Ownership can be sold and exchanged identically to professional teams.
League Team NFT
Each team is composed of several components
An ownership NFT which provides the holder ownership rights and authorities detailed below.
A team leaderboard which ranks the performance of each player on the team from the highest performer to the lowest performer.
A professional roster which by default is composed of the top 10 highest performing players/wallets, but can be reassigned to match the preferences of the league owner.
A general team, or all casual players who compete within the intra-team games, but have not earned the position of or been selected for the professional roster and thus do not represent the greater team organization during inter-team league matches.
A Team Treasury which is the recipient and holding wallet of all accrued team revenue whether garnered through intra-team competitions, inter-team league winnings, team donations, or other forms of income.
Each team is composed of 3 primary participant/actor groups: an owner, professional players and general members.
Owner: The Owner is the individual who holds the team ownership NFT within their wallet. The owner maintains several rights and authorities within their organization.
Ownership NFT Authorities:
Team Name Creation and Modification.
Team content and brand asset ownership and management.
Professional Team Roster Selection
Economic Structure and Treasury Management
Allocation of intra-team game revenue on a percent basis between the owner, team treasury standing balance, professional roster and general members.
Allocation of inter-team professional league prize winnings between the owner, team treasury standing balance, professional roster, and general team members
Allocation of funding to marketing expenses, team administrators and promotions.
Establishment of Intra-team game types and conditions
Professional Roster Players:
It can be noted that the percentage of league prize pool earnings will be distributed to the owner, professional players, general members, and team treasury in accordance to a percent allocation model established by each team owner for their team prior to entering the league competition.
StonkLeague will not govern the limitations or optionality of teams’ prize money allocation models as we believe that market economics will guide the allocation amounts expected of each team.
General Members represent the majority and more broad community of any given team. A team may have an unlimited number of general members. These individuals will have access to the team’s community channels and the ability to compete in a more casual fashion through intra-team games. However, they will not represent the greater organization in inter-team games as do the professional roster players. That being said, strong performance in inter-team games is very likely to draw attention to general members of particular talent. Should the owner decide, this will likely amount to professional team position offers for highly performing general members.
On a seasonal basis, Stonkleague will host league competitions. Season leagues will be ecosystem wide competitions which will allow team organizations to select their top performing players as team representatives and compete amongst all other team organizations. These inter-team match ups will have no cost of entry and prizes will be paid out of a stonkLeague sponsored AEGIS prize pool. Top performing teams will earn notoriety for their performance as well as a portion of the AEGIS native token prize pool commensurate with their ranking at the end of the season. These winnings will then be allocated to all parties represented within the team organizations in the respective percentages determined by the team owner prior to their entering the seasonal league competition. AEGIS seasonal prize pools will be factored into account within StonkLeague's annual inflation model.
Game Points (also referred as ROCI): for every game played, players will compete to win both the ethereum prize pool and game points. Game points are not tokens, but rather a scoring mechanism used to determine the issuance of newly minted AEGIS tokens as detailed in the token economics section below.
AEGIS Tokens: AEGIS Tokens are the native ERC-20 token of the stonkLeague ecosystem. In the immediacy, they represent one proportional voting right within the stonkleague DAO. AEGIS will also be viable for discounted fee game play and yield through future evolution
Composite Score: A composite trader score will be assigned algorithmically to each player, and rebalanced monthly, based upon each players’ general performance once they have crossed a threshold of 25,000 game points. Composite scores will fluctuate up or down on a regular and ongoing basis contingent upon changes in player performance with a base value of 400 and maximal value of 1000. The top 300 composite score ranked players will be weighted more heavily within the stonkleague long-short indexes and will be eligible to receive carry on index performance.
Last updated